"Children come into this world with fresh eyes to see all that is beautiful, embrace all that is joyful, and love unconditionally with open hearts and minds."

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my amazing husband. I love you so much! These past three years, you've become an extraordinary father. You give so much of yourself to our girls each day. They love you so much. They can't wait for you to walk in the door and they don't want you to leave without them in tow. If it was up to Sydney and Sophia, it would be Happy Father's Day every day of the year. You are the best Daddy in the whole wide world and our girls love you "as far as they can stretch their whole body" and "to the moon and stars and back again"!

Daddy & Sophia - Dec 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Honey. Boy does time fly. These pics seem like yesterday and bring tears to my eyes like there happening now. I'm very lucky to have all my girls including you. Just hope I make as good of a husband as a dad. I love you.

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